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Start 2024 with 12 weeks of Sourcing Training

Start 2024 with 12 weeks of Sourcing Training

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Sourcing Hat is now Cup & Sourcer

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The Benefits of ChatGPT for Recruiters

The Benefits of ChatGPT for Recruiters

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New Linkedin Feature: About This Profile

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#MeetYourRecruiter Title Card

The best LinkedIn #hashtags for your #MeetYourRecruiter posts

LinkedIn, Messaging & Engagement, News and Events, Social Media | 0 comments

LinkedIn #hashtags to help your content be seen.

When someone you’re connected to on LinkedIn uses a hashtag you follow, you’re more likely to see their content. 

So, when you make posts on LinkedIn, it makes sense to add some hashtags. But not just any hashtags, you want to add hashtags that are well followed, increasing the chances that your post will be put in front of as many people as possible. 

This week is #MeetYourRecruiter week, so hopefully you’ll be making a post on LinkedIn each day. We wanted to help you out by sharing some of our recruitment-related hashtag research. 

We looked at over 350 recruitment-related hashtags on LinkedIn to see which ones had the most followers. We’ve made a list of suggestions for each day this week to help you get your posts seen by as many people as possible. 


Monday 9th October 2023 – Reintroduce yourself

Today we’re asking you to remind those in your network who you are and what you do. Here are a few hashtags that might be relevant, pick any that work for your post. 

Monday hashtags LinkedIn


We’d also like to give an honourable mention to the following LinkedIn #hashtags: #leaders and #connections, both with over 100k followers.


Tuesday 10th October 2023 – Job Opportunities

Today we’re asking you to share a job you’re hiring for right now. Share the opportunities that come with the job. Is it a chance for someone to step into a more senior role, an opportunity for someone to work 100% remotely, what makes this job stand out? 

Tuesday Hashtags LinkedIn


Definitely tune into the Daily Workout from Recruiting Gym for more ideas on what to write for Tuesday’s post. 


Wednesday 11th October 2023 – Top Tip for Hiring Managers

On Wednesday we’re asking you to tell any hiring managers in your network what you wish they knew about the recruitment process. 

Wednesday Hashtags LinkedIn


Note that #hiringmanager has 4.7k followers, so definitely go with the plural to get more eyes on your post today.


Thursday 12th October 2023 – Topical

Tell us what’s going on in your industry. What’s your take on the topic everyone is talking about? Share some news and don’t forget to ask for your network’s opinion on it too. 

Thursday Hashtags LinkedIn


If you’re not sure what to post about today, tune into the Daily Workout at 09:00 BST for some suggestions.


Friday 13th October 2023 – Numbers

It’s Friday the 13th – something to be superstitious about, or not. That’s why we thought we would talk about numbers today. 

Love them or hate them, numbers play a huge part in the recruitment process. Whether for measuring performance or making phone calls, we can’t manage without numbers. 

Friday Hashtags LinkedIn


Speaking of numbers, they are key to this hashtag research too. 


If you’d like to contribute to this ongoing project, you can view our recruitment hashtag list here and send hashtag suggestions to Nicola.


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