Katharine has been working in recruitment since 2008 and Internet sourcing is her primary expertise. Over the last 15 years, she has worked in both Agency and In-house recruitment teams. She loves to geek out about search tools and finding candidates. In 2010 she won the title of Grandmaster Sourcer at SourceCon in San Diego.
Splitting her time between training clients and sourcing candidates, Katharine finds that the two sides of the business complement each other well. The training side ensures she is up to date on the latest tools and search techniques – clients ask really challenging questions! The research side of the business keeps her grounded in the reality of what it’s like to be out there recruiting – after all, you might find a few truck drivers on Instagram but searching for them there might not be the best investment of your time.
She loves to share her experience with others via the Recruiting Gym, where she offers online courses. Katharine’s other passion is knitting, she has a side hustle running an online yarn shop. She is also a Star Trek fan and a Guinea Pig mum.
What’s in your cup while sourcing?
I love a cup of Whittard’s Spice Imperial Tea!
Tibs (Tiberius) and Pepper live with Katharine. They are the laziest members of the team but, if you want to find a needle in a haystack, you need a guinea pig. 85% of their diet is hay! They’re great at keeping morale up and reminding everyone to regularly stop for snacks.
What’s in your water bottle?